Computer Networking Services
Small Business Networking
Setting up a computer network doesnt have to be complicated or expensive. Our experts can help you find exactly what you need for your budget while making all systems able to grow with your business.
Are you still using a home router for your business? did you know many small businesses are missing out on importaint security features and are losing performance as they add more devices to their network. We can help you reduce dropouts, improve wifi coverage, set up guest networks that are seperate from your sensitive file servers. The internet can be a dangerous place and thats why we beleive it is essential to have a network and firewall up to the job. Benifit from segmenting your network and having VPN access to the office for remote working.
Are you a poweruser? Have a home server lab? We can help where you need it. From designing a full lab for you, down to small networking issues that
need ironing out. We can give you enterprise level features and a very competitive price.
There are many features that you and your friends/family can benifit off of such as file sharing without needing Google or Microsoft seeing your files, sharing videos, backing up important files, and much more.
Why pay big companies for secure VPNs and file storage when you can host it yourself.